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God is our refuge, a very present help in trouble. Psa 46:1


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Friday, December 19, 2008

An Invitation From God in Hard Times

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

He's not talking to the world here. He's not talking to sinners who don't know the Gospel. He is talking to His own. They are called. They are bidden to come to Me. They proclaim My Name-My character, My authority, who I AM. Yet they misrepresent Me. They are called by My Name, they are called Christians. If they want their prayers heard, if they want Me to cure their land, repair the damage, then they have some things they must do. If they will bend their knee, (bow their heart) and come under subjection to Me, humble that self life that rules most if not all of their decisions, on a daily basis, yet they call ME Lord, if they will judge their own selves guilty and and repent and begin to intercede for their nation, for their families, for homes, search Me out, and seek Me, desire Me, strive after Me, and turn away from evil ways then I will hear and I will pardon their offenses against Me, and will mend and repair the damage that has been done to their land. That land can be applied to our homes, our spiritual walk with God, our families, our lives, marriages, relationships, and yes, our country. Is their hope for America? I do not know. But I know God can always be taken at His Word.

What will it take before God's own people will realize they call Him Lord, but they make their own decisions? Oh, I am guilty. I see myself here. Father, forgive me, please. Do we decide when to sleep, when to rise, when to eat, when to and how much or how little we read His Word, do we neglect fasting and prayer because we are too busy, and don't spend enough time in His Word or His Presence, and yet we call Him Lord? We always have ready excuses, do we not? We make our own decisions, ruled by our own intellect, and yet we call Him our Wisdom? Then we look around, frustrated at the dysfunction all around us and wonder why it is this way. Dysfunction is always the result when self rules. No wonder the world doesn't take the Gospel seriously when they see such ineffective displays of it in our lives.

Consider this carefully and know the hour is late and it is time to stop playing religious games. It is time to stop thinking one day I will, by God's grace be different. It's time to pay the price and sacrifice, and get alone with God, and stop feeding the self life and start feeding the spiritual life He birthed in us, and repent, and do what He says. Faith is obeying what you know is true. Come back to our First Love. Pastor BH Clendennen said recently in one of his messages "Do we limit the Holy Spirit's operation in us by functioning in our own strength because of our selfish thinking and acting ? We are on the threshold of the coming of the Lord. Are you a foolish virgin, knowing what you ought to do and not doing it? Or are you a wise virgin with oil in your lamp waiting on His Coming?"

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