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How nice of you to drop in and visit my page. It's actually not really about myself, but about the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a place you can come, should you find time, and find encouragement and free resources for spiritual growth. I pray you will be blessed and provoked to follow on to know the Lord intimately yourself. Seek HIM and HIS Face for HE alone is WORTHY!! He alone is lovely! Most of what is written on this blog is written by myself, during my study time with the Lord unless otherwise stated. If it's otherwise, the author's name will be included.

God is our refuge, a very present help in trouble. Psa 46:1


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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Confessing Jesus Christ

Mat 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before myFather which is in heaven.

Most people think to deny the Lord is to do as Peter did, deny you know Him. The Lord stirred this Scripture up in my Spirit and showed me that it's much more. If I confess Him with my mouth, but deny Him the right to be Lord-i.e., director, instructor, and controller of my life, which He alone holds in His hand, then I deny Him. If I refuse His Lordship, and refuse to deny my flesh it's carnal ways and wants in favor of the rightful and reasonable demands of the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit, then I deny Him. I am not to deny Him at any time. I am not to deny Him quality time. I am not to deny Him the use of my vessel. I am not to deny Him when He stirs me up to pray. I am not to deny Him when He deals with me about something. I am not to deny Him anything. I am not to contradict Him or His Word by the way I live my life. It is to be HIM that lives in me in control, not me, myself and I.

Whatever He deals with us about, we need to be willing to deny ourselves but never Him. He has requirements of the vessel He dwells in, and uses. We must yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him make us what the Lord wants us to be. We must be willing to lay our lives down a living sacrifice for the use of the Master. IF we refuse, we deny Him.

Mat 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which isin heaven.

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