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Hello, Beloved...

How nice of you to drop in and visit my page. It's actually not really about myself, but about the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a place you can come, should you find time, and find encouragement and free resources for spiritual growth. I pray you will be blessed and provoked to follow on to know the Lord intimately yourself. Seek HIM and HIS Face for HE alone is WORTHY!! He alone is lovely! Most of what is written on this blog is written by myself, during my study time with the Lord unless otherwise stated. If it's otherwise, the author's name will be included.

God is our refuge, a very present help in trouble. Psa 46:1


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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Desire for Revival, Change

This post is for those who feel they are alone in their grief over the condition of God's church. Your heart is broken as you see the church lean on religious traditions and man's human wisdom and strength. It grieves you deeper than you can say how many are unconcerned or satisfied. There is no passion for the lost or very little, but plenty of attitude toward those who don't 'measure up' to their standards of holiness. The prayer meetings mostly consist of a little lay me down to sleep prayer for a few minutes at the altar sporadically if there is a guest speaker, otherwise, the altar is mostly empty unless there are one or two in the church who really do pray. They look at you as if you are weird or something is wrong with you because you are not satisfied and you do not feel at home. They don't accept you nor do they understand you. And the enemy is striving to make you feel as if you are wrong, as if you have lost your mind. Perhaps the God you hear preached at church is not the One you are learning at home when you shut yourself alone with Him.

Take comfort, brother, sister, you are not alone. Not by a long shot. There are others the Spirit of God is brooding over and rising up within stirring up the same grief, the same desire for revival.

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