I wonder how many people sit on church pews, with a hunger for the reality of God that in their heart that is frustrated week after week, day after day by what they see and hear in what is supposed to be His House. How many are seeking and longing for the Word of God preached in power, compassion and purity, under the anointing? There's a difference between men getting up and talking, read a few Scriptures, and give their opinion on what they mean, often slamming the church with the Word. How many really break the Bread of Life and serve it up with fear and awe to the people? Would this not feed the sheep rather than discourage them?
I wonder how many people read the Word of God and know He said "These signs shall follow them who believe" and consider this, and look around and say "Lord, where are the signs?" How long has it been since you saw somebody so full of the Holy Ghost that the fear of the Lord was thick in the room? His Word is true, but I think His heart is grieved over the complacency of His people. How many are at ease in Zion? How many have traded the true power of God for an outward appearance of godliness that has no power? How very many people read the Holy Word of God without even understanding how it applies to them? How many have gotten their own ideas, handed down from mamaw or papaw, or the Pastor, about what salvation is? Holiness is not an outward behavior it's a PERSON. People might look and act holy, but have no real power. When was the last time there was a prayer meeting that followed a message from the pulpit so convicting that people were on their faces afraid to leave, wanting to draw nigh to Him, and be filled? Isn't that what "Tarry" means?
My heart absolutely aches inside with grief for what I see in the church world around me. So many of the sheep are weak and sickly. Malnourished. So many are being fed that which is an imitation of the real thing. I want to see HIM, I want to know Him in the fellowship of His suffering-and the power of His resurrection. I want to see a church burdened for the lost- and passionate about HIM not their religion or beliefs! I mean, people we say Jesus is coming, but why aren't we more burdened to pray for those who aren't ready to meet Him if we really believe that? Are we carefully examining ourselves? Our behavior reflects if we actually believe in the imminent return of Christ or have just made mental assent to the truth but aren't moved.
Noah was "moved with fear" to prepare an ark for his family to escape the wrath to come. What are we doing, people? Are we busy debating doctrine and theology? Are we busy online chatting with friends? Shopping? Working? Surfing the net? Too busy to pray and seek the face of God for mercy on a country that has storm clouds of judgment moving in swiftly overhead and has already started to fall? We need to be fortifying ourselves with the Word of God and praying through to His throne of mercy and filling ourselves up on HIM so we will be prepared at the midnight hour when panic stricken people are running everywhere looking for answers. He is coming. He isn't coming for those who are comfortable, and aren't longing for Him. He isn't coming for those who are too busy for Him. He isn't coming for those who are satisfied with their religion and trusting in it. HE alone is our hope of glory. His blood alone is our covering. Just as we couldn't stand in the core of a nuclear reactor without protective clothing, and gear, neither can we stand in the presence of THE HOLY Lord God Almighty without being covered by the blood of Jesus, trusting in HIS righteousness. If we know Him, we won't be living like the world, we won't be indulging the desires of our flesh and carnal mind, we will be seeking His grace and strength to overcome these things. This world is lost and on its way to hell and what are we doing? My heart grieves at the arrogance, and pride, and casual attitudes I see in the house of God. There is more to Christianity than what I see. He loves His Bride so very much. You know if you are part of Her. You know if your heart longs for His perfection, His presence, and an ever greater revelation and understanding of who He is. The Bride's heart aches for HIM not the things of this world. They so pale in comparison they do not satisfy her. She, like Abraham and Sarah, has her eyes on the unseen and eternal. God is looking and listening for the cry in the hearts of those who are desperate for HIM not religion.
Is there a cry in your heart or are you satisfied? He loves you so very much! He paid such a high price for us! We are precious in His sight. I'm not trying to bring anyone down, just expressing the grief in my heart. Shouldn't HE be the center and have pre-eminence in every service? In our hearts and lives?
Desperate Times Require Desperate Measures.
The vast majority of professing Christians do not have the ability to
digest meat. People eagerly receive words of encouragement and
exhortation,as a h...
5 days ago
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