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Friday, December 26, 2008

A True Disciple/Apostle

He called His disciples together. He summoned, He invited them to come to Him. A disciple is someone taught, pupil-and in this case taught by the Master Himself. They come to Him and learn of Him. They learn directly from HIM. You can't be a disciple without spending time with Him and listening to Him. This means you know His voice, you listen and follow Him closely. Another important point, these have left everything to follow Him. They have forsaken their jobs, their own agendas, their own plans, and hopes and dreams that were founded in this world, and their personal lives and now follow the plan and purposes of the Master. We would do well to remember what exactly a disciple is when we consider the authority and power He gave to the disciples. This kind of spiritual authority is not available to casual, lukewarm people who claim the name Christ.

He called them together, to Himself, in a private place, so He could give them specific instruction. Before they went out to preach, He had to equip them.

Here's a radical thought: before any preacher gets up to preach anytime, should he not have first spent time with the Lord, being equipped in prayer, in the Word, drawing from the Lord what is needed to deliver the message the Lord wants delivered? This is the pattern laid out here in these Scriptures.

When they went out to preach the Gospel, He spoke some things to them, granting them dunamis (G1411) power-which means a miraculous force, mighty power to do what the natural man cannot do. This is an abundant ability. In Mar_6:7 the word for power is G1849 exousia, and it is the same word used for authority in Luk_9:1-the authority of the Potentate-by delegation. He gave them mastery, delegated influence and jurisdiction over all (that means more than one) devils. All demonic beings. All unclean spirits. No matter what vice has gripped a person's life-be it occult, lust, drugs, food addictions, fear, regardless, this power is available to break that thing-resident in one who is a true disciple, and called by Him, and then sent by Him. He gave them power to cure diseases. In the Greek this word is therapeuo, and it is where we get our word therapy. It means to wait upon menially-as a servant, to relieve one of their disease. It also applies to adoring God, in worship-becoming a living sacrifice.

Mat_10:1 He also mentions they are to heal-or cure-same word used for cure in Luk_9:1, every infirmity, disease or sickness, AND every disease-but this word disease (G3119) translates to weakness, softness, debility. He said His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2Co_12:9) When the disciples-those who have forsaken earthly and temporary pleasures and passions, to follow in the footsteps and purposes of the Lord, when those kind of people who are mere containers of the power of God, and the Spirit of God, minister this power of God to needy people, it's like a fragrance of worship and adoration to this wonderful God. Consider this: you see the pictures with a crucified Christ spread on a cross and the caption reads: I asked Jesus how much He loved me and He spread His arms wide and said this much, and He died. When the Lord's disciples sacrifice themselves, to go His way, then they can minister His healing and powerful life to the poor and needy, those who are bound and broken hearted, captives of the evil one, their sacrifice, their willingness to do His will is a testimony of their love and worship for this awesome God they serve. The next verse starts off with three vital words for any preacher: And HE SENT THEM. They didn't go because they thought they should. They didn't go because someone said they needed to. They waited on HIM to equip them, and then they waited until He sent them-prepared containers of the power needed to do the job correctly. That word sent (G649) apostello, means "set apart" and sent out. You can't be sent BY Him if you aren't set apart FOR Him. This word is where the word apostle comes from. It's misused and abused much, I think today. I do not believe man has a right to label himself an apostle. I think his life should testify to it if he is an apostle-it's a sacrificial life led by and lived for Another. That is what being an apostle will cost you. Nothing will build up the man, but everything will be to build and work and labor for Another-for HIS glory, not for the man's reputation. They go to speak the message of Another-not their own. They go to minister the life of Another-not their own. It is all about HIM not themselves-for they are just a vessel, a carrier of the True Power. It does not originate in them or from them, it comes from above. They preach their is a life, a realm that is not earthly or sensual or natural in which you can be granted access if you will come and submit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. You can have an entrance into a supernatural life, walking with this great and awesome God, a son or daughter of the King of Kings, serving Him, and serving others, led by His Spirit, used for His awesome glory, and obtain an eternal inheritance with His children. You can be set free from what binds you, you can be given a supernatural life, and receive His Spirit to live in you that will fill up that empty ache inside that never goes away no matter what you try to fill it up with. He can give you power over the things that would bind you and hinder you. Set free from darkness and blindness and brought into a glorious truth and light. You can come and experience His love that will take your breath away. You can find peace, security, and endless resources of help to face any trouble that will ever come your way. You can be relieved of that terrible burden of guilt and sin you carry through the blood of this precious Jesus Christ. What a transforming, and powerful message. But a message so powerful must be lived by the messenger to be effective. You must be a living testimony of this message. A true witness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen! Enjoy your blog. : ) ~Rebecca