We have a hope, we have an Advocate with the Father, who can through and by the Holy Spirit, usher us into the presence of God, once again. We have been given access, direct access by the blood of Jesus.
Rom 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Eph 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
Eph 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
We are justified, or declared right with God, when we believe and receive what He said, and let it govern our lives. We surrender our hearts and place our faith in what He said, and let His Word have its way in our lives. Believing without change is not salvation. The devils believe and tremble. But they are not saved. But through Jesus, we are declared right, and have peace with God by faith, because of what HE did. He gave us the right to approach God, where would could know we are accepted by Him because of Christ. We have the assurance because of the blood, and His love for Christ, whose we are, that we will have favor with God. When we are redeemed and born again by the Spirit of God, we have a fixed position in Jesus Christ, as part of His Body. God will never reject part of His own Son...He's not going to look at His Son in the face, and say, I accept your head, but not your feet-cut them off. God isn't going to do that! He accepts His Son completely and totally, who is perfect and one with Himself. They agree on everything. They think alike, they talk alike, there is no division or strife between them. They love one another. And when God draws us by the Holy Spirit to Christ, (no man can come except the Father draw him, Joh_6:44) and we come, we repent, and He washes us and cleans us up and places us inside the Body of Christ, what a protected place! What a secure place! Unless we decide we want to move out and do something else, or go back, unless we allow the devil to deceive us, we have a place secure, because we are in Christ, who is the Rock of our salvation! 0h praise the Lord! We're not a guest, or a foreigner, but He has declared us who are in Christ natives of Heaven, traveling through the earth, on our way home! We are declared saints, set apart for the HOLY ONE in heaven, whose very presence in us makes us holy inside and clean! The blood washed us clean, so He could move in, and His presence keeps us! He lives in us! He would not live in someone He did not love, care for, and intend to protect and keep! We were born into the House of God, by the Word of God (remember He spoke, He commanded and it was done!) He begot us by His Word! (1 Pet 1:23) He has put us in this Perfect and Precious Body of the Lord Jesus Christ-fitting us and shaping us together, to be a holy temple, a place where He can live and dwell among and in us. What an awesome honor He has bestowed on us! He purposed in His Son we would have a way back into His presence, where we could come with assurance, and freely without condemnation come to Him. We could have the admission into the presence of this Holy God who is our Father now, and we can rely on Him, just as Jesus did because we are in Christ! But oh, how should we look at one another, because of this great revelation? If we look at our brother or sister and criticize or bad mouth them, then we are bad mouthing Jesus Christ Himself. And we can't touch Christ without touching God. That is serious business. If we love HIM, we can't just love His Head and despise His feet or hands! We have to love the whole Package! We don't know which part of the body we are, but we need to have respect to the Body! Those who don't pay a terrible price!
1Co 11:28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
1Co 11:29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
1Co 11:30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
We can't casually consume the things of God. We can't lightly esteem His Word or His people. We must have reverence and respect for God, His Word, His Son, The Holy Spirit, the promises of God, and the people of God. The word for 'discerning' here means to separate from with a hostile spirit, in opposition to, striving against with dispute, to contend with. It says nothing about recognizing the Body...it means don't think you can bite and devour the people of God, and get away with it. Don't think you can turn on them, in discord and split them apart and get away with it. Because of things like this, many have no strength, no power, they are spiritually impotent, they may be physically or spiritually sick, and many are either spiritually asleep or physically dead.
1Co 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
1Co 11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
The word for judge here is the same as the word for discernment above. It means we should turn this willingness to separate ourselves from other people, out of strife and contention, over issues of disagreement, on ourselves. Whatever in us does not line up and agree with the Word of God, we need to turn on it, separate ourselves from it, cast it out, after it has been judged by us according to the Word...If we do this, if we contend with ourselves, by the Word of God, make a distinction in judging things in us that are not conforming to the Word, and passing sentence on them, then we will not be judged. Different word in the Hebrew for this one. This last word "judged" means to be put asunder, selected, and judged at trial before THE JUDGE, and have sentenced passed by HIM. If we judge ourselves, we will find forgiveness.
1Ti 5:24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
Some sins are obvious, evident, not secret. They have been sent on, after being confessed, to the the judgment seat of Christ to be put under the blood, and cleansed. They will not be held against us. They go before us, and are dealt with. But woe to those who let their sins, unconfessed, not dealt with, follow them to the judgment. If we judge ourselves, and let the Lord deal with us as children, and endure the discipline and instruction He deals out, we do well.
1Co 11:33 Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.
That word "tarry" means to accept, look for, wait for one another. Make sure all are taken care of, not just a select few. Just as we are accepted by Christ, we need to accept one another. Unity is something we can glory in...so long as it is under and in CHRIST, and not at the expense of truth.
Desperate Times Require Desperate Measures.
The vast majority of professing Christians do not have the ability to
digest meat. People eagerly receive words of encouragement and
exhortation,as a h...
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