1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
I did some digging into the definitions, using Strong's Greek and Thayer's Greek definitions. So, I'm going to paraphrase here, for readability:
Be watchful, aware, and alert, not sleepy; carefully observing everything around, guarding against expected attacks of your opponent, who constantly seeks accusation against and accuses and slanders us to our own minds, and to others, and to God. Just like God meant it when He said "Do not steal", He meant it when He said we have a very real enemy who will attack us. We should not be surprised, or yield to self pity, or allow confusion to rule our minds under an attack, because we have to remember God said HE is not the author of confusion. HE has given us a sound mind, and when it is unsound, that is not God's work. We should be on guard, fortifying our minds with the Word of God, seeking God to teach it by the precious Holy Spirit to us, and how it applies to us personally. He WANTS to makes this book personal to us. He wants us to understand this does apply to us and how. The devil doesn't want that because He knows when we know the Truth it will make us free, and worse, it will make us dangerous to his dark work. When we understand these things, we can help others understand these things, and the liberty spreads like wildfire. The devil will try to stop it, he howls and roars to scare us. He wants to intimidate us and paralyze us with fear at his noise, to prevent us going on the offensive. He follows and pursues us, circling us, (remember Job) occupied with plotting against us, to destroy us. (Remember, he follows and pursues, but can't just attack and destroy at will, because the ANGEL OF THE LORD ENCAMPETH AROUND ABOUT THEM THAT FEAR HIM AND DELIVERETH THEM; (Psalms 34:7) We can't see the angel but that old slew foot can. And he don't want to tangle with Him. And guess what else? The word "may" is in there. It means "to be possible, to ask for permission, (God, may I?) to ask for liberty, or license to be allowed." He has to get permission to try to drown our minds with lies, and swallow up our faith. For two examples of this, Job 1, 2. and Luke 22:31 (Peter) . ***He can only swallow up what we give up. He tries to drown us and destroy our faith by a constant barrage of lies to discourage and persuade us to give up and go back and not fight him and resist him as the Bible tells us to do. He can do nothing unless God allows it and God has already told us the devil is a liar. I looked up these words in the Greek after listening to a great message this morning that was truly a blessing! (Search the Scriptures to see if these things are true, remember-don't ever take man's word alone for it, search it out yourself prayerfully!) | |
We can remember, the Scripture says this:
2Co 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2Co 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;)
2Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
We live in flesh, but it's not to rule us. We need to understand there will be a battle against the carnal desires of our flesh, understand this battle is in itself evidence that the Spirit of the Lord has moved in, else there is no warfare. There's no struggle, no desire to be holy, no love for holiness without the Lord putting this in us as by His Spirit in us we cry Abba, Father! But when these things try to regain pre-eminence in our temples, and try to hinder us from knowing the Lord, and growing in the Lord, we learn as we walk with Him to recognize what is happening, and to remind Him He said His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and His grace is sufficient, and we are already more than conquerors because the Conqueror lives in us. We have been given authority, via the Word of God to bind these vain thoughts, whether they be carnal desires, or lies of the enemies' fiery darts, and throw them out of our minds gleefully, joyfully, because HE said what we bind on earth He will in heaven. So, we can bind these vain imaginations that strike our mind, reject them, and throw them out, bind them with the promise of the Word. HE said we could bind them, so do it. Make them captive, don't let them take us into captivity. At the name of Christ, every knee shall bow, both human and spirit. Clean and unclean. He is Lord of all, and that includes our minds! (Phil 3:21).
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